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Be United to Do Service

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bonded Child Labour-An evil still existing in our Society

The most inhuman and onerous form of child exploitation is the age old practice of bonded labour in India. In this, the child is sold to the employer like a commodity for a certain period of time. The Child's labour is treated like security or collateral security and cunning rich men procure them for small sums at exorbitant interest rates.

The children who are sold as bonded labor only get a handful of coarse grain to keep them alive in return for their labor. Sometimes their period of thrall extends for a life time, and they have to simply toil hard and depend on the mercy of their owners, without any hope of release or redemption. The impoverished parents of the bonded child is usually a poor, uneducated landless laborer and the mortgagee is traditionally some big landlord, money lender or a big business man who thrives on their vulnerability to such exploitation.

So as Young Minds who strive to change the society what can we do?????

The future of a community is in the well being of its children. The above fact is beautifully expressed by Wordsworth in his famous lines “child is father of the man”. So it becomes imperative for the health of a nation to protect its children from premature labor which is hazardous to their mental, physical, educational and spiritual development needs. It is urgently required to save children from the murderous clutches of social injustice and educational deprivation, and ensure that they are given opportunities for healthy, normal and happy growth.

BUDS aims to bring this change through Education, health and Empowerment, So lets all join hands to give our voices and support to stop Child Labour.